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  • Writer's pictureHarry Wicks

What's the deal with Hard Water in the North East?

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

Calling all you water enthusiasts in the North East of England! If you've ever wondered why your kettle seems to have a calcium party or your skin feels drier than a desert, it might just be the magic of hard water. Let's embark on a water adventure and dive into what hard water is, whether the North East dances to its tune, and what it means for your home sweet home.

What's the Deal with Hard Water?

Hard water is like a secret potion in disguise – it's water with extra minerals, like calcium and magnesium, swirling around. These minerals tag along as water journeys through rock formations underground. So, if you're detecting a slightly metallic tang to your tap water, those minerals are the likely culprits.

The North East and Its Water Tale:

Now, let's talk North East specifics. Brace yourselves – yes, the North East is known for its share of hard water. The region's water supply takes a merry jaunt through limestone and chalk, picking up those mineral buddies along the way. From Newcastle to Durham, chances are you're dancing with hard water every time you turn on the tap.

Hard Water Effects in Your Home:

So, how does hard water get its reputation? Well, it leaves a trail of evidence around your home, and not all of it's pleasant. Here are some of the effects that hard water might be having in your abode:

1. Kettle Drama: That limescale buildup in your kettle? You can thank hard water for that. It's like your kettle's way of throwing a calcium party. It might not be fun for your appliances, but it's quite the spectacle.

2. Soap Opera: Ever noticed your soap not lathering up as it should? That's hard water in action. The minerals get a bit too cozy with soap molecules, making it harder to get that bubbly lather we all love.

3. Dry Skin Dilemma: If your skin is feeling thirstier than a cactus, it might be due to hard water. Those minerals can leave a residue on your skin, making it harder for your skin to stay hydrated. Time to show your skin some extra love!

4. Spotty Glassware: Have you ever looked at your glassware and wondered if it's become a canvas for abstract art? Those cloudy spots are hard water's handiwork. It's like your glasses have been treated to a mineral makeover.

5. Plumbing Puzzles: Over time, those minerals can build up in your pipes, taps, and appliances, causing a plumbing puzzle. Blockages, reduced water flow, and a few extra visits from your friendly plumber might be on the horizon.

Softening the Hard Water Blow:

But fear not, North East dwellers! There's a solution to the hard water blues – water softeners. These handy devices work their magic by swapping those calcium and magnesium ions for something a bit friendlier to your appliances and skin.

So there you have it, a water tale fit for the North East of England. Hard water might be a bit of a quirky character, leaving its mark on your appliances and surroundings, but it's not unbeatable. Whether you embrace the mineral magic or opt for a water softener, remember that every drop has a story to tell – and yours is a North East adventure filled with bubbles, limescale, and a splash of resourcefulness! 🌊💧


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