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  • Writer's pictureHarry Wicks

"Befriend the half-flush"

Whether you're a eco-conscious champion or just looking to shave a few pounds off your water bill, we've got you covered with 10 fabulously fun ways to save water without feeling like a leaky bucket. Let's dive in and discover how you can be a water-saving hero in your own home.

1. Tap-Tap-Turn-Off: Tap dance your way to savings! Whenever you're brushing those pearly whites or scrubbing dishes, make sure to turn off the tap while you're not actively using it. Those little drops add up, you know.

2. Speedy Showers: Be the Flash in the shower! Challenge yourself to take quicker showers – you'll save gallons of water in the process. Need some motivation? Pretend you're in a race against time. Zoom, zoom!

3. Stop the Drip-Drop Drama: That drip-drip sound might be a villain stealing your water. Tackle it with a wrench (or call your trusty plumber - that's WixFit Plumbing by the way!!!) and fix leaky taps ASAP. No more water-wasting drama!

4. Befriend the Half-Flush: Your toilet is a champ, offering a full and a half-flush option. For those not-so-massive flushes, give the half-flush a high-five. You'll be amazed at how much water this cheeky trick saves.

5. Dish Duty Hack: Here's a dishwashing secret – fill a basin with soapy water instead of letting the tap run. Dunk, scrub, rinse, and voilà! A sparkling clean conscience and dishes.

6. Plants Love Leftover Water: Give your plants a little leftover love. Collect rainwater or use leftover water from cooking or washing veggies to hydrate your green buddies. They'll thrive on recycled hydration.

7. Dance While You Dish: Make dishwashing a dance party! Grab a funky playlist, turn on the tap only when you need it, and groove your way through the chore. Who said chores can't be fun?

8. Efficient Appliances FTW: When it's time for new appliances, opt for water-efficient models. Washing machines and dishwashers that save water are like superheroes for your utility bill. We can always advise you on this.

9. Capture Rain Magic: British weather isn't always gloomy – capture that rain magic! Set up a rain barrel and collect rainwater to water your garden. Mother Nature thanks you!

10. Tank Talk: Got a toilet with an old-school tank? Tweak the float level so it uses less water with each flush (or ask the experts to help!). You'll be amazed by how much water this small adjustment saves.

Saving water doesn't have to be a chore – it's an adventure in resourcefulness! So, fellow water warriors, let's embark on this mission to save water and help our beautiful planet. By adopting these fun and easy tricks, you'll not only be kinder to the environment, but you'll also be saving some pennies along the way. Remember, every drop counts – now, let's splash into action! 🌊💧

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